Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Backspace" Browser Boneheadedness

What idiot decided that backspace should, in ANY mode, be equated to the same functionality as the browser's "Back" button?!!    Hangin' is too good for him/her.

I can't count how many times I've been putting information into a webform, when I hit backspace to clear something I've typed.   Somehow, the magic of user interface takes me back to the previous page (and because I'll usually hit the backspace key a number of times, there's no telling how far back in the history I'll end up.)   Sometimes, the form will still be populated when I come back, but that is rare.  

I've run into this problem in IE and in Firefox for years.  I hope someday, that "feature" is removed.

In the meantime, I'll try to make less mistakes ;)